[Al- Qur’an 2:35]: "And We said: "O Adam! Dwell you and your wife in the Paradise and eat both of you freely with pleasure and delight of things therein as wherever you will, but come not near this tree or you both will be of the Zalimun (wrong-doers)."
From Adam , Allah created his wife Hawwa (Eve) from the most curved part of his rib, providing companionship so he would not feel alone.
Allah allowed them to live in the beautiful gardens enjoying its bounties and blessings but told them not to eat from the forbidden tree.
From the blessings and bounties Allah bestowed upon them, were security from hunger, thirst, heat and cold.
However, Allah warned Adam and and his wife about Iblis, who was an enemy to them and was determined to lead them astray, drive them out of jannah, and devoid them of Allah’s favours.
Iblis had extreme hatred and envy for Adam and Hawwa, and wanted them to also disobey Allah, so he deceived them and told them LIES.
Iblis swore by Allah assuring them that by eating from this tree that they will become either angels or immortals.
Adam and Hawwa succumbed to temptation and both ate from the tree resulting in their awrah becoming exposed.
They hastened to cover themselves from the leaves of paradise to conceal their shame.
Feeling remorseful for their action, Adam and Hawwa acknowledged their sin. Allah guided Adam
and taught him words of repentance, which he then used to seek forgiveness and mercy from Allah.
Allah accepted Adam’s repentance, however because of Adam’s
DISOBEDIENCE, Allah expelled him from his beautiful home and said that he and Iblis should be enemies to one another on the earth.
Adam and Hawwa were expelled from Jannah on a Friday.
On Earth, Adam and Hawwa gave birth to twins. Qabil and Habil were the first sons of the first two sets of twins of Adam and Hawwa.