"And indeed We sent Nuh to his people, and he stayed among them a thousand years less fifty years [inviting them to believe in the Oneness of Allah (Monotheism), and discard the false gods and other deities]" [Al-Qur’an 29:14]
Prophet Nuh was the FIRST MESSENGER sent to mankind by Allah. His lifespan extended over 950 years.
Nuh dedicated himself to calling his people to the worship of Allah alone, emphasising Tawheed for 950 years.
Nuh employed various methods to CONVEY his message, publicly and privately, during both day and night.
He continuously exerted his efforts to guide his people towards monotheism and righteousness, striving tirelessly to make them understand the importance of worshipping Allah alone and abandoning their false deities.
He utilised a combination of encouragement and warning, seeking to guide his people towards righteousness and away from polytheism and making all matters clear and apparent. He called them to obey Allah’s commands, to be dutiful to him and reminded them that Allah will forgive them of their sins and grant them respite until the day of judgement. He reminded them of the countless blessings of Allah- rain in abundance, increase in wealth and children, livestock and beautiful gardens and rivers.
Despite his sincere efforts, Nuh faced SEVERE OPPOSITION from his people, who MOCKED and THREATENED him both physically and verbally. They had thrust their fingers in their ears, covered their faces with their garments and magnified themselves in pride to not hear or accept the truth.
They ACCUSED Nuh for being in great error for not following what their forefathers did. They criticised him implying that his followers were not of the intellect and the lowliest from among them. No one from nobility or rulers followed him. He was only human like them and not an angel so they questioned how revelation came to him instead of them.
The people of Nuh SOUGHT TO HASTEN Allah’s anger and punishment, enticing Nuh to supplicate against them as he wished and let whatever he asked for to come upon them. No matter how long Nuh
tried to convince them, the disbelievers said they will remain steadfast in their REFUSAL to follow him.
Nevertheless, Nuh remained STEADFAST AND BRAVE in the face of these threats, unwavering in his commitment to his mission and his faith in Allah. He confirmed to them that only Allah can punish them and hasten their punishment which no one from them, will ever be able to escape.
Despite the WIDESPREAD REJECTION of his message, Nuh found followers among his people who believed in him and embraced his teachings. These believers demonstrated COURAGE AND RESILIENCE, standing firm in their faith despite the persecution and ridicule they endured alongside Nuh
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